Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What are their parents and kids thinking?

Berny Ebbers, former chairman and CEO of the bankrupt Worldcom, and Enron's former CFO, Andrew Fastow, went to jail today, convicted of fraud.

You have to wonder what their once proud parents and kids are thinking, if they are still around to witness their kid's and parent's shame.

This is when childfree couples say, "There for th grace of God go I."

Just think how proud the families of these two men were before their downfalls began. Talk about ups and downs.

What's scary is that every day we read about more corporate and political ethical missteps. It's enough to wonder what makes such smart people go wrong.

And, of course, while parents set ethical standards for their children, good and bad, ultimately each individual is accountable for his or her own actions.


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